Saturday, February 20, 2010

As if I didn't have enough to do

Between work and school, my time is consumed. I have very little social time any more, unless being with 4th graders for 7 hours counts. I get very little "adult" socialization, aside from my co-workers. So as if I didn't have enough to take up my time as it is, I've also decided to take a new direction in food. The more I contemplate what is going into my body and the subsequent consequences, the more I realize that I need a dietary change. I've started looking into transitioning to eating more "whole" foods and less processed, supermarket foods.

I have a website that I've bookmarked that is really helpful, I also ordered 2 different books, Digestive Wellness and Nourishing Traditions. I have to admit, it's a bit overwhelming, so I'm going to take it slow and start small. It is interesting reading, though, and thank goodness I have a friend (yea George!) that can help me since he knows all about this kind of stuff.

Check out the links!!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Mental Break

I am plodding through my course work tonight, and really needed a mental break, so I thought I'd add a post since it's been a few weeks. I'm actually including a link to the blog I have to keep for one of my classes. Contrary to popular belief or just pure ignorance, there's more to Library Science than the Dewey Decimal System!! :-)

I'm only taking 2 classes and I am absolutely swamped. I spend almost every evening for a few hours and many hours on my weekends now doing reading, web searching, posting to discussion boards, reading some more, writing responses, learning about databases and using them, and then a bit more reading if I haven't done enough already. Oh, and sleep, gym, and eat somewhere in there.

This is going to be an interesting few (hopefully) years. I am going to do my best to dig in and finish in Fall 2011. Forgive me if you don't hear from me (either on here or anywhere) for a while.

My blog for "Information Storage and Retrieval":