Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Mind wanderings

I often find that when I cannot focus on what I'm supposed to (like school work), my mind tends to drift and wander to other ponderings. Tonight I am contemplating what a world without man-made borders would be like. The song "Boundaries Are" by Serj Tankian makes sense. What would a world that is not separated by hatred and fear of others look like? Why does it have to be this way? Why can't people just accept the differences of others with tolerance? Accepting and tolerating differences does not mean you agree or advocate for those things, but it does mean you do not hate, condemn, or destroy others for those differences. I think we are all guilty of being intolerant of others to some degree. But how nice it is to imagine a world where that does not exist. Then there would be peace. Then we could eliminate other things such as greed and war. I know this is an idyllic fantasy that will likely never occur. And that is because we are human.

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