Monday, September 8, 2008

Head Above Water

I knew this would happen. As soon as I decided to start a blog, I would get busy and let it sit for a while. I am now in my 3rd week of school, and I haven't posted since right before school started. It's so easy to let some things go when I am really busy. Right now, I feel like I'm keeping my head above water.

School has gotten off to a good start. We started switching for Language Arts and Math classes today, so it is kind of like starting over some. It takes a few days to train students from other classes on my particular way of doing things. And I am rather particular. :-)

I have also been having to really make myself continue doing my REAP Bible study. It's so easy to turn on the TV and zone out. By the way, I finally broke down and got cable, and I know I am watching way too much television now because it is almost like a novelty after not having it for 4 years! Anyhow, I am glad that at this point I am only a day behind! It could be worse.

It was really interesting last week at First Tuesday Prayer, that Matt spoke about and we prayed about knowing Jesus, and remembering the first time we first met Him. I then came home and did my REAP for the day (I was a day behind then, too!). And I was reading from Phillipians, where Paul said that he had counted all as loss and rubbish compared to knowing Christ. And I thought what a great example and attitude to desire. I would love to say with absolute sincerity that knowing Christ truly is greater than anyone or anything I could ever even imagine on earth. But I know the way I live and spend my time does not reflect that. I know in my mind that knowing Christ is THE greatest treasure, but is it in my heart? The psalmist also reflected this attitude of Paul in Psalm 73:25: "Whom have I in heaven but You? And there is nothing on earth that I desire besides You." I would love to echo that without any hint of insincerity.

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